Texts on Lump
Every lump stems from research - a reading, or compilation of readings.
articles, parables, novels, essays, poems, papers -
I have recently been considering how such readings may become a work (a lump) within themselves.
My reading of each text varies, largely just browsing - drawn to how 'lump' occurs,
how 'lump' has been situated.
I lift the page that contains 'lump':
seizing, pilfering, claiming it
decontextualising, isolating - and then reappropriating, reimagining
['liked best of all mushing up texts ... glopping up
hacking into ... deconstruction demands not so much plagiarism as breaking into copyright law ... she is the only one who admits is ... MASH THEM UP']

I read around 'lump' (the edits indicate this)
- making my thinking evident
Side-by-sides seem to present this activity with clarity, yet I am uncertain exactly how these edits might position themselves -
printed as a stack, a mound, a long stream,
unbound within a cover, A4? to be read?
or to be seen?

Importantly, the texts are a found material;
my treatment of them is akin to my treatment of found objects -
the original typeset remains but is
spliced, cut, blocked out
- the appearance is shifted
The texts can still be read, but not as they were intended; the original purpose and function removed
- lumpen.
click to read/see